Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Current Dayak BN leaders….Maybe Monopause

Our current Dayak BN leaders from whichever political Parties for years have always hide our Dayak greviences from resuffacing, whenever there is a need to highlight the problem in the communities or outburst in the media, these so called leader who suppose to help the dayaks are the one who says we must follow rules and regulations, we must respect other people sensitivities, we must show respects.

These Dayak BN politicians are all trying to save themselves in actual fact that we dayak are Backward and still living in Poverty. For Jabu/Masing/Mawan the heat is on……Denial syndrome. Current problem face by Dayak Bidayuh”Bidayuh Upset about exclusion” is serious problem, please help the Dayak communities……

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